Capability building and training

One of the primary mandate of NECAA is to become,catalyst in capability building and training needs of the organisations. 

We are capability building solutions firm led by  alumni of best academic institutions in India having industry experience and natural panache for teaching. We are focused at helping our clients develop skills in basic and advanced analytics.

NECAA is not pioneers in bring training to the world but we believe in high quality training as per what our clients need and customized along with them. The Training Division at NECAA is established  with the goal of meeting the short term training needs of organizations and professionals. We conduct training programmes customised to the identified needs of  personnel of different sectors, researchers, managers and consultants. We provide training with your data sets at your site. We firmly believe we will change the industry for good by bringing in experts in this field.

Our Capability Building division conducts training programmes to help transform organizations by leveraging the power of data and analytics to its fullest. Our trainings help our clients to fully realise the power of data through advance analysis and make smart business, social and research decision.

“Research and customer data have potential value to make professionals and organisations withstand  in today’competitive world.”

NECAA’s  Training program has the capability to deliver through its huge resource pool of trainers/ consultants with vast experience in corporate trainings. We provide quality training on statistical analysis through softwares- SPSS and STATA, sample size calculations, Qualitative analysis and on many IT Courses.

Our program will enable you to use SPSS and STATA  effectively for statistical analysis. Our training program enable you to analyse Longitudinal/Panel Data, Time series data, Cross sectional data, and Epidemiology data. We help you to analyse primary as well as secondary data.

We build your capability from wide array of options:

Statistical Softwares: MS Excel, SPSS , STATA. We use your data sets and ours as well to provide you ample hands on experience on using softwares and understanding statistical concepts.

Statistical Techniques: NECAA provides training on Parametric and Non-Parametric analysis. On Parametric analysis front, NECAA’s expert provides traning on:  Missing value Analysis, Regression analysis, Regression diagnostics, ANOVA, MNOVA, Binary and Multinomial Logit/Probit Regression, Simultaneous Equations Models, Survival Analysis, Factor Analysis inuding Principal Component Analysis, Discrete Choice Models, Difference in Difference analysis, Instrumental Variable Analysis, Regression Discontinuity Analysis, Epidemiology/ Panel data analysis, Time series analysis and forecasting.

Non-parametric training includes Chi-square test, Macnemar’s test,

We also provide training on Market segmentation and Conjoint analysis. We believe in,learning with you. Whatever kind of analysis you or your project/data require, our experts will conduct training for you. Our focus here is not only to explain analytic concepts but also ensure understanding the applicability and usage of the concepts. To ensure practical understanding and application of concepts learned in training into different research/business areas, we use case studies.

Our training experts are capable to provide analytics training to non-analytics people that is, to those who do not play with data to work for them. However, with the progress of analytics they need to be apprised of the importance of data driven decision making thereby providing them an analytical bent of mind.