NECAA will help its clients to find solutions to complex business problems through the use of advanced statistical/econometric modelling techniques. NECAA will make use of valuable data of its clients and analyse their data according to their need/requirement.
To answer the research questions of our clients, we can create samples and methodologies that are
- unbiased in nature
- based on literature reviews
- derived from Probability/Non-Probability or Random or stratified Sampling depending on clients/projects need
- representative of target population;
- carefully executed Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis
“MIXED METHOD METHODOLOGY: Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research”
The process of social development is very vast, complex, and dynamic. Due to involvement of different economic agents at large, there is no single solution to any complex development issue. NECAA’s experts and practitioners work closely with clients, design solutions and make the path to solve most complex socio-economic issues. We are determined to contribute towards sustainable and inclusive progress and all around development for all.

Market Research
Market Research is the key factor to get advantage over competitors. Market research provides important information to identify and analyze the market need, market size and competition. We carry out market research for new business, new brands, new and innovative products, new techniques of Business, new methods of development, new ways of competence.